About Penny Graves

Penny Graves Cosmetics

Penny Graves is an artist, born with the natural talent to draw and has a  formal background in engineering graphic artistry.  When she was nine years of age she instinctively placed pen to paper and excitedly discovered her innate talent to draw!  She first obtained the desire to transfer her art from the canvas to the face when she was a young girl.  Her grandmother instructed her to go next door and assist her elderly cousin Sarah put on her makeup and wig, who had the unfortunate battle of recovering from the partial crippling of a stroke.  It was during those rewarding times spent with her cousin Sarah, that Penny was introduced to the world of makeup.  She became mesmerized and intrigued with the idea of extending her natural artistic talent from the canvas to the beauty of a woman's face.  She was now addicted to her ability to transform not only a woman's physical beauty but a woman's spiritual beauty as well.  As an adult, she had several priceless opportunities to glean from experience as a counter manager and a regional makeup artist for several popular cosmetic brand names.  In addition, she established herself well within the cosmetic industry as a freelance makeup artist specializing in print and wedding makeup applications.  It was only inevitable that her journey with makeup ultimately culminated in her creating her own cosmetic company  

Penny Graves Cosmetics is the fruition of a combination of all that she has learned while working with reputable and popular cosmetic brands as well as what she has ascertained to be missing in competitors.  But mostly, Penny Graves Cosmetics is a culmination of her artistic appreciation of color and her love for the beauty in the individual that is transformed by the elixir of makeup! This is why the motto for Penny Graves Cosmetics is, "Beauty is Personal!'  Because your beauty is personal! We invite you to come along with us on our continued journey to experience makeup in a new way, the way that brings out your personal beauty!